My name is Hualin Liu(刘桦林), whose meaning is birch forest in mandarin, isn't it beautiful and unique? When my mom named me as birch forest, she hoped I can be skinny and tall like a birch tree. Unfortunately, I am only 5'4... But I am skinny!!!!

On September 22nd 2003, I was born in Moscow.(Yay!!!) My parents were not happy about my appearance because I was so dark and hmmm, according to them, ugly. They even thought the nurse gave them the wrong baby since their skin tones are both light. Anyways, I was 49cm long and 7.4 pounds and born with 3cm long hair.

This is me about 1 year old. My parents don't remember the exact date of this photo. It's really precious this is the only photo of me at this age... Can you recognize this is me?

2 years old

2 or 3 years old

4 years old

I was probably 6 years old now. My mom finally allowed me to have longer hair and I was super excited about it. I liked to change my hairstyle a lot, and, yes, I was the hairdresser for myself. People made fun of my messy hair a lot but I thought I am the most fashionable kid.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Some photos with my family:( ♥

Maybe I forget to tell you guys, but I was a very fashionable kid. This outfit is just one of my pretty clothes. Also, becuase of this, I was very popular between seniors. Many people in my neighbourhood knew me and liked me. Also, I̲ ̲w̲a̲s̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲f̲a̲v̲o̲u̲r̲i̲t̲e̲ ̲k̲i̲d̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲m̲y̲ ̲k̲i̲n̲d̲e̲r̲g̲a̲r̲t̲e̲n̲ ̲t̲e̲a̲c̲h̲e̲r̲s̲. It's hard to say their affection is unrelated to my good look and clothes🔥

I was approximately 7 years old now. You may be surprised but these photos are taken by professionals. Therefore, they are expensive🥹🥹🥹. But, the photos did surprise me! The only thing I am mad about is the shirt, some mean people print other country's flag on the map of China....

I didn't have many photos between 8 to 18, I was kinda shy to take pictures for some reason. This is the only picture I find taken in middle school with my classmates(This was my graduation day btw) Can you recognize me ? Can you guess who my best friend is?

This was probably when I was 16? A weird angle and a weird expression, but I just didn't take many pictures of myself as a teenager(Which is a big regret) So.... I will put this photo here anyways!

Almost forget this picture! I am the second from the right😉. What I was wearing is called Hanfu, a traditional Chinese costume which can be traced back to 2000 years ago. The girl left to me was also wearing hanfu. Other girls in this picture were also wearing Chinese costume, but theirs were more modern, appeared a hundred years ago or so. My costume was super pretty, but it was not a sunny day so everything looks grey lol.

I took the set of Hanfu photo in 2022 summer, several days before I came to America.